The Past President shall act as the Club

Parliamentarian. At the call of the President, or any member of the
Board of Directors except the Past President, at Board of Directors or
Executive Committee meetings, or any member of the Club, at General
meetings, the Past President shall adjudicate and resolve all questions
arising at Board of Directors' meetings, Executive Committee, regular,
or special membership meetings concerning interpretation of and
compliance with the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and
Resolutions of the Club. The Past President shall initiate the election
process and recommend a Supervisor of Election to the Executive
Committee for approval. The Past President shall oversee the
preparation and distribution of all Club publications. If the position of
Advisory Director of Publicity is filled, that Director will work under
the guidance of the immediate Past President. In the event the
immediate Past President(s) is elected to the Executive Committee, or
through their absence is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of the Past
President, then the position shall revert to the next most immediate
Past President(s), until the position is filled. The immediate Past
President shall preside over meetings of the Board of Directors,
Executive Committee, and General Membership in the President’s