From your President

The President is the chief executive officer of the Club and shall see that all decisions and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and the general membership. Only in the case of a tie vote shall the President cast a vote. exception of the Candidate Search Committee, the President shall be The President shall appoint Special Committees. With the an official member of all committees and other groups operating under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Club. It shall be the President's duty to see that all members of the Executive Committee and Member at Large Directors fulfill their duties, and that all committees fulfill their functions.


                                                                                                   Kelly Lunsford - current President -  FY 2021-2022

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  • 28 Jan 2018 12:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello Gators,

         Our Club has a wonderful calendar of exciting trips and entertaining events!  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast, download our newsletter or visit our Facebook page to find out more.  Please invite your friends and coworkers to check us out so more people can join in the fun.  The larger our membership grows, the more fun events we can offer for your pleasure and entertainment. 

         Our first ski trip of the year to Winter Park with 22 travelers was fantastic.  Fortunately, it snowed just in time, and we got a couple of days of fresh powder.  There were good mountains to ski with lots of slopes.  Everyone had a delightful time on this very affordable trip.  Thank you, Linda Elie, for doing a great job leading this awesome trip!   

         Our second trip, the main FSC trip to Steamboat Springs with 48 Gators, has just returned.  Steamboat is superb with huge runs and skiing for all levels.  Skiing was excellent and we had fresh baby powder snow.  Trip leader Ken Kingston did a tremendous job.  Assistant trip leader Scotty Howard also did a terrific job.  Thank you both!  The Gators came in third in the FSC Cup race.  Congratulations, racing team, and thank you, Race Captain Carol Ashley! 

         Our third trip to exotic Andorra and Barcelona led by Kelly Lunsford goes out on February 24th.  Our fourth trip, the FSC trip to exciting Jackson Hole, Wyoming led by Chris McArdle, departs on February 25th.  Our fifth trip going out on March 7th is another amazing international trip to incredible Sierra Nevada, Spain led by Walter Marussich.  Although our trips are full, wait list positions open up frequently, so if you are interested, please contact the trip leader. 

         Our Club is looking for volunteers to fill positions on the Board for June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019.  We need your help to remain a vibrant and active club.  Our election will be held at the April General Meeting.  Ildiko Haidacher has volunteered to be Election Supervisor.  Thank you, Ildiko!  She will conduct the first round of nominations in our February General Meeting and the second in our March General Meeting.  Although nominations will be welcomed for any position, we especially need volunteers for President, VP / Ski Trips, VP / Special Activities, and VP / Socials.  In addition, we are looking for volunteers to fill the appointed positions of Membership Director, Communications Director and Event Comptroller Director.  If you are interested in any of these positions or want more information, please contact me or Ildiko.

         Our Florida Ski Council (FSC) non-ski trip to Australia and New Zealand is now on sale.  Join the Gators on this bucket list trip of a lifetime during the spring season on November 4 - 18, 2018.  Please visit our website or contact trip leader Karen Eslary for more information. 

         For the first time ever, the Gators will visit the fantastic new Manatee Lagoon on Saturday, February 17th, where manatees gather in the warm water near the FPL power plant.  Afterwards we will enjoy a special Saturday happy hour at Rafiki Tiki.   Please RSVP so we can get a headcount for Rafiki Tiki.  Thank you, Cory Reed, for arranging this marvelous event.   

         On another brand new event, the Gators will be going on the Barley Barber Swamp Tour Hike in Indiantown on Saturday, March 3rd, where we will board a bus that will transport us to the Barley Barber Swamp.  We will hike on the boardwalk where we will view one of the most magnificent old-growth cypress communities in the nation.  Thank you, Kathy Levas, for organizing this splendid experience.

         December 2nd marked the fourth Leisure Bike Ride in the series with Guest Leader Tim Kuhn leading a fabulous ride in Jupiter Farms.  The next ride will be on Saturday, February 24th during the special weekend camping trip at Lake Okeechobee with Guest Leader Patti Bochniak.  The cabins go quickly, so make your reservation now.   Look for a new ride every month.

         The closing of the North Palm Beach Country Club has been postponed until May 2018.  It will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Starting in May we plan to move to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens. 

         Come to our regular Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is a great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have included some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you great parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  Help us to make your Club even better.   

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


    Sharon Long


  • 02 Jan 2018 1:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello Gators,

              I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.  Our Club has an impressive calendar of exciting trips and entertaining events!  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and look through our newsletter to find out more.   Please invite your friends and coworkers to check us out so more people can join in the fun.  The bigger our membership grows, the more fun events we can offer for your pleasure and entertainment. 

        I would like to offer my deepest gratitude to our volunteers, both Board Members and those that have helped behind the scenes for their tireless dedication to our Club during the past year. They are the reason that we have had such a fun and successful Club.  If you happen to talk to one of them, please let them know that they are appreciated.  

         Our club is looking for volunteers to fill positions on the Board for June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019.  We need your help to remain a vibrant and active club.  Our election will be held at the April General Meeting.  We will conduct the first round of nominations in our February General Meeting and the second in our March General Meeting.  Although nominations will be welcomed for any position, we especially need volunteers for President, VP / Ski Trips, VP / Special Activities, and VP / Socials.  In addition, we are looking for volunteers to fill the appointed positions of Membership Director, Communications Director and Event Comptroller Director.  If you are interested in any of these positions or want more information, please contact me.

        Ski Season is finally here!  We start with our amazing low priced Winter Park trip led by Linda Elie on January 6.  Our second trip follows on January 20th with Ken Kingston leading the FSC main trip to the wonderful destination of Steamboat Springs.  Our third trip to exotic Andorra and Barcelona led by Kelly Lunsford goes out on February 24th.  Our fourth trip, the FSC trip to exciting Jackson Hole, Wyoming led by Chris McArdle, departs on February 25th.  Our fifth trip going out on March 7th is another amazing international trip to incredible Sierra Nevada, Spain led by Walter Marussich.  Although our trips are full, wait list positions open up frequently, so if you are interested, please contact the trip leader. 

         Our Florida Ski Council (FSC) non-ski trip to Australia and New Zealand is now on sale.  Join the Gators on this bucket list trip of a lifetime during the spring season on November 4 - 18, 2018.  Please visit our website or contact trip leader Karen Eslary for more information. 

         Our holiday dinner dance on December 8th was a tremendous success.  Everyone delighted in mingling with friends, eating a delicious holiday buffet and dancing to the music of our DJ.  Thank you, Evie Houston and Deb Haselmire for coordinating this elegant event; Deb, Liz Loeffler Karl Haselmire and Randy Czapkewicz for decorating; and Cory and Rick Reed for manning the check-in table at the door.      

         A big group of Gators really enjoyed viewing the annual Palm Beach Boat Parade at Juno Park on Saturday, December 2nd.  Thank you, Debbi Haselmire, for organizing this fun event

         We had another spectacular full moon dinner at the beach on Sunday, December 3rd.  Thank you, Kathy Levas, for arranging this marvelous gathering, and to Patti Bochniak for assisting. 

         The Gators celebrated the holiday season our second candlelight walking tour in the Old Northwood Historic District on December 17th, where we toured showcased historic homes and feasted on refreshments and appetizers from local restaurants and chefs.  Thank you, Kathy Levas, for arranging this splendid experience

         December 2nd marked the third Leisure Bike Ride series with Guest Leader Estela Basso leading a pleasant ride in Juno Beach.  The next ride will be at Jupiter Farms on Saturday, January 6th with Guest Leader Tim Kuhn.  Look for a new ride every month, and don’t forget about the special weekend camping trip and bike ride at Lake Okeechobee in February.  The cabins go quickly, so make your reservation now.  

         The closing of the North Palm Beach Country Club has been postponed until May 2018.  It will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Starting in June we plan to move to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens. 

         Come to our regular Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is a great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have included some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you great parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  Help us to make your Club even better.   

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


    Sharon Long


  • 28 Nov 2017 10:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello Gators,

         Our Club has an fantastic array of exciting trips and activities for everyone!  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and look through this newsletter to find out about them and sign up.   Please spread the word about us and invite your friends and coworkers to check us out so more people can join in our fun.  The larger our membership grows, the more fun events we can offer for your entertainment and enjoyment. 

         I would like to welcome our new Treasurer, Ann West, who was appointed in November.  I would like to offer my deepest gratitude to our Board Members for their tireless dedication to our Club.  They are the reason that we are enjoying such a great year.  If you happen to talk to one of them, please let them know that you appreciate them.       

         We will be offering a marvelous holiday party on Friday, December 8th in lieu of the General Meeting.  We will celebrate the season with a DJ-hosted dinner dance.  Thank you, Evie Houston, for organizing this elegant event.  The deadline for reservation and payment has been extended Wednesday, December 6th.  Anyone trying to sign up after that will be charged $10 extra.    

         We will be having another spectacular full moon dinner at the beach on Sunday, December 3rd.  We will bring our own food and chairs and enjoy moonrise on the beach in Jupiter. The first one on November 5th was wonderful, and this one should be just as nice.  Thank you, Kathy Levas, for organizing these fun events. 

         Join the Gators as we view the annual Palm Beach Boat Parade at Juno Park on Saturday, December 2nd.  This amazing parade of festively decorated boats will light up the Intracoastal Waterway for spectators in the evening.  Be sure to come early to get a parking space. 

         We will be enjoying a new tradition, the sold out holiday candlelight walking tour in the Old Northwood Historic District on December 17th.  We will visit showcased houses with various homes offering tastings from local restaurants and chefs.  In addition, all homes will have wine, beer and water to enjoy!  Kudos to Kathy Levas for arranging this marvelous experience! 

         November 18th marked the second Leisure Bike Ride series with Guest Leader Ray Collie leading an enjoyable ride in Abacoa.  The next ride will be at Juno Beach in Abacoa on Saturday, December 2nd with Guest Leader Estela Basso.  Look for a new ride every month, and don’t forget about the special weekend camping trip and bike ride at Lake Okeechobee in February.  The cabins go quickly, so make your reservation now.  

         Our 2018 winter ski destinations include Winter Park, Colorado, Steamboat, Colorado; Andorra and Barcelona, Spain; Taos, New Mexico; Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Sierra Nevada, Spain.  Jackson Hole has an opening for two people in a room with a queen bed. The other trips are taking wait list applicants.  Spots open up frequently so I encourage you to get on the list.  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and download our newsletter regularly to keep up with our trips. 

         A number of Gators have recently returned from the special Halloween cruise on the Harmony of the Seas in the Western Caribbean where they had a blast.  Thanks, Debbi Haselmire, for organizing this fun trip!

         A group of Gators represented the club at the Florida Ski Council Meeting in Orlando on the first weekend of November.  Attending were President Sharon Long, VP / Ski Trips Walter Marussich, FSC Steamboat Trip Leader Ken Kingston, Carol Ashley, FSC Jackson Hole Trip Leader Chris McArdle, FSC New Zealand Trip Leader Karen Eslary and Acting Event Coordinator Patti Bochniak.  At these meetings, we plan the trips that the FSC will be offering.  For 2019, these include the January trip to Big Sky, the February trip to Park City and the March international trip to Cortina, Italy.  Our next FSC meeting will be in early June 2018.  Please contact me if you are interested in attending. 

         The Gators had a fabulous time at the Patriotic Luau party on November 11th where we celebrated Veteran’s Day.  We enjoyed a barbecue dinner and appetizers along with dancing.  The prize for the best tropical drink was won by Ann West, who brought not 1 but 2 rum punches.  Thank you, Debbi Haselmire for organizing this fun event!  Thanks also to everyone who helped.   

         The closing of the North Palm Beach Country Club has been postponed until May 2018.  It will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Starting in June we plan to move to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens. 

         Come to our regular Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is a great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have included some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you great parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  Help us to make your Club even better.   

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 

         I wish you and your families a joyous holiday season.    


    Sharon Long



  • 31 Oct 2017 12:59 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello Gators,

          Our Club has an incredible calendar of exciting trips and activities for everyone!  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and look through this newsletter to find out about them and sign up.   Please spread the word about us and invite your friends and coworkers to check us out so more people can join in our fun.  The larger our membership grows, the more fun events we can offer for your entertainment and enjoyment. 

         The November General Meeting will feature a ski swap.  Please bring the ski equipment and winter clothing you would like to sell and price it.  If you are looking for used clothing and equipment for the ski season, this is a great way to acquire it!

         Join us at our Holiday Party on Friday, December 8th at the North Palm Beach Country Club.  It has been changed this year from Thursday night to Friday night to make it easier for you to enjoy a wonderful night out, and will replace the General Meeting.  Thank you, Evie Houston, for organizing this elegant event that will feature dinner and dancing with music provided by a DJ.  Space is limited, so please buy your tickets early so that you will not miss out.    

         We will be having two spectacular full moon dinners at the beach on Sunday, November 5th and Sunday, December 3rd.  We will bring our own food and chairs and enjoy moonrise on the beach in Jupiter. Thank you, Kathy Levas, for organizing these fun events. 

        Forty lucky Gators will be attending our fantastic Patriotic Luau party on Saturday, November 11th where we will celebrate Veteran’s Day with a barbecue dinner and music.  This marvelous event is sold out, but contact Debbi Haselmire if you would like to be on the waiting list. 

         Join the Gators as we view the annual Palm Beach Boat Parade at Juno Park on Saturday, December 2nd.  This awesome parade of festively decorated boats will light up the Intracoastal Waterway for spectators in the evening.  Be sure to come early to get a parking space. 

         Another new tradition, the holiday candlelight walking tour in the Old Northwood Historic District, is coming up on December 17th.  Tickets include entry into the showcased homes with various homes offering tastings from local restaurants and chefs.  In addition, all homes will have wine, beer and water to enjoy!  Kudos to Kathy Levas for arranging this marvelous experience! 

         October 14th marked the start of the Leisure Bike Ride series with Ben Smith leading an enjoyable ride in Jonathan Dickinson Park.  The next one will be at South Jupiter Community Park in Abacoa on November 18th with Guest Leader Ray Collie.  Look for a new ride every month, and don’t forget about the special weekend camping trip and bike ride at Lake Okeechobee in February.  The cabins go quickly, so make your reservation now.  

        Our 2018 winter ski destinations include Winter Park, Colorado, Steamboat, Colorado; Andorra and Barcelona, Spain; Taos, New Mexico; Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Sierra Nevada, Spain.  Two trips, Jackson Hole and Sierra Nevada, are taking wait list applicants.  Please sign up soon to get the trip of your choice.  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and download our newsletter regularly to keep up with our trips. 

         Our Halloween Party at the American Legion Hall was an incredibly fun event.  The theme was “A Blast from the Past”, focusing on costumes from the great decades of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s.  We all enjoyed the costume contest and the dancing.  Many thanks go to Deb Haselmire for the planning, Liz Loeffler for coordinating the event, Ildiko Haidacher for serving as the emcee, Kathy Levas for manning the admission table, Sharon Eisen, Charlie Eisen and Barbara Lioi for helping to setup, Ann West for picking up the food and delivering items back to Deb, Bill Lobb for picking up the chicken wings, Walter Marussich for picking up the pizzas and carving a pumpkin, and Bonnie Boaz for collecting for the 50/50 raffle.  A special mention of admiration goes to Sharon Eisen for creating the impressive centerpieces that captured the spirit of the decades and of Halloween.  Each one was amazing and unique!  

         A group of Gators are currently enjoying the special Halloween cruise on the Harmony of the Seas in the Western Caribbean.  Thanks, Debbi Haselmire, for organizing this fun trip!

         The closing of the North Palm Beach Country Club has been postponed until the end of January.  It will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Our final meeting there will be in January.  Starting in February we will be moving to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens. 

         Come to our regular Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is a great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have included some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  Be sure to join us at our special Sunday happy hour on November 12th at The Cooper Restaurant in Palm Beach Gardens. If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you great parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  Help us to make your Club even better.   

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


    Sharon Long


  • 01 Oct 2017 7:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello Gators,

         I hope you all have recovered from Hurricane Irma.  Fortunately, for most of us, the damage was minimal but the power outages were annoying.  We had to cancel both the Board Meeting and the General Meeting due to the storm.  However, we were back on track with the fantastic “It’s All About the Fun!” party where we showcased our ski trips, special activities trips and socials.  A big crowd was entertained with great dance music, delicious food and interesting activities.  This amazing event, organized by your VP of Socials/VP of Special Activities, Debbi Haselmire, showcased our ski trips, special activities trips and socials.  Kudos to Debbi, event leaders, prize donors and everyone else who helped.  Thank you, Deb and Walter Marussich, for donating your Board Benefits to help subsidize this marvelous celebration for our members! 

        The closing of the North Palm Beach Country Club has been postponed until the end of January.  It will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Our final meeting there will be in January.  Starting in February we will be moving to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens.  

         Our Halloween Party at the American Legion Hall in Tequesta is on Saturday, October 28th.  The theme is “A Blast from the Past”, where you can take a step back in time to the great decades of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s, and dress up in your favorite retro costume…poodle skirt, beatnik, hippie, disco, rocker, punk….let your imagination run wild!   There will be prizes for the best costumes.  This fun party will feature a DJ, food and a cash bar. Experienced event leader Ildkio Haidacher will be the emcee, and she really knows how to celebrate for Halloween!  The deadline to sign up and pay is October 26th, so please don’t delay.  This fun event is not to be missed!

         Our Holiday Party is being changed up this year to make it easier for you to enjoy a wonderful night out.  Instead of having this elegant event at the General Meeting on a Thursday Night, we have moved it to the weekend on Friday, December 8th at the North Palm Beach Country Club.  Thank you, Evie Houston, for organizing this signature event that will feature dinner and dancing with music provided by a DJ.  Space is limited, so please buy your tickets early so that you will not miss out. 

         The November General Meeting will feature a ski swap.  Please bring the ski equipment and winter clothing you would like to sell and price it.  If you are looking for used clothing and equipment for the ski season, this is a great way to acquire it!

         Our 2018 winter ski destinations include Winter Park, Colorado, Steamboat, Colorado; Andorra and Barcelona, Spain; Taos, New Mexico; Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Sierra Nevada, Spain.  Two trips, Jackson Hole and Sierra Nevada, are taking wait list applicants.  Please sign up soon to get the trip of your choice.  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and download our newsletter regularly to keep up with our trips. 

         At the end of the month a group of Gators will experience the special Halloween cruise on Harmony of the Seas, which will feature a week in the Western Caribbean.  Thanks, Debbi Haselmire, for organizing this fun trip!

         Look for our new, spectacular Special Activities trips to exotic destinations coming up in 2018.  Our cruise to Cuba in April and our Danube Bike and Barge in September are already listed on our website.  Our New Zealand trip will be up soon. 

         Our leisure bike ride season is kicking off this month with the first ride at Jonathan Dickinson State Park on Saturday, October 14th.  Ben Smith is the leader for this ride, and the organizer for the overall program.  Thanks, Ben!

         We will be having two spectacular full moon dinners at the beach on Sunday, November 5th and Sunday, December 3rd.  We will bring our own food and chairs and enjoy moonrise on the beach in Jupiter. Thank you, Kathy Levas, for organizing these fun events. 

         Another new tradition, the holiday candlelight walking tour in the Old Northwood Historic District, is coming up on December 17th.  Tickets include entry into the showcased homes with various homes offering tastings from local restaurants and chefs.  In addition, all homes will have wine, beer and water to enjoy!  Kudos to Kathy Levas for arranging this marvelous experience! 

         Come to our regular Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is a great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have included some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you great parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  Help us to make your Club even better.   

              Our Club has an incredible calendar of exciting trips and activities for everyone!  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and look through this newsletter to find out about them and sign up.   Please spread the word about us and invite your friends and coworkers to check us out so more people can join in our fun.  The larger our membership grows, the more fun events we can offer for your entertainment and enjoyment. 

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


    Sharon Long


  • 31 Jul 2017 8:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello Gators,

         I am thrilled that our Club has so many exciting events and trips planned for this year.  Please visit our website, sign up for our weekly email blast and look through our newsletter to see them.  Please keep spreading the word about what we have to offer to your friends and co-workers.  The larger our membership grows, the more fun events we can offer to entertain you. 

        The closing of the North Palm Beach Country Club has been postponed until September 30th.  It will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Our final meeting there will be in September.  I will miss the August meeting because I will be living it up on the Alaska Cruise with 14 other lucky Gators, but your capable Past President, Evie Houston, will lead the meeting.   

        Starting in October we will be moving to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens.  A lot of you may remember that we used to meet there before coming to the Country Club.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed to bring snacks.  They will give us happy hour pricing from 6:30 PM until the end of the meeting.  This will include a $2.50 draft beer, and we will have discounts on other beers, house wines and well drinks.  You will also be able to purchase discounted appetizers. 

         Our 2018 ski trips are selling well.  Sign-ups began in late April for our next ski season.  Our fabulous trip to Valle Nevado, Chile leaves this month.  Our 2018 destinations available include Winter Park, Colorado, Steamboat, Colorado; Andorra and Barcelona, Spain; Taos, New Mexico; Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Sierra Nevada, Spain.  Two trips, Jackson Hole and Sierra Nevada, have been sold out and expanded.  They are taking wait list applicants.  Please sign up soon to get the trip of your choice.  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and download our newsletter regularly to keep up with our trips. 

         This year we will be celebrating the start of our fall season with a fantastic free party with the theme of “It’s All About the Fun!”  It will be held the evening of Saturday, September 23rd at the Moose Lodge.  This exciting party will feature our ski trips, special activities trips and socials.  We will be entertained on the dance floor by an amazing DJ, Bone Daddy Dave.  This event is being organized by your VP of Socials/VP of Special Activities, Debbi Haselmire.  She is planning an incredible event for you, so be sure to come and don’t forget to RSVP.   

        August marks the first time we have had two beachfront getaway weekends in the same month, the Weekend Getaway to Pirate's Cove in Port Salerno on August 4th to 6th , and the Key Largo Adventure Weekend on August 25th to 28th.  The Gators are enjoying an incredible summer with so many fun events.  Kudos to Lee Chitty for leading the first one, and Deb Haselmire for organizing the second. 

         The second of two summer Blue Jean Night Out happy hours will take place on Tuesday, August 15th at the Snuggery in Palm Beach Gardens.  Thank you, Ben Smith, for organizing them!  Please come, bring a snack to share, and join in the fun.   

        Betty Williams hosted her Fourth of July Party on Saturday, July 1st.  This was her final party and many of us were there to celebrate the end of a wonderful era.  We all give a heartfelt thanks to Betty for her generosity in opening her home to entertain the us over the years, and wish her well in her new condo.  

         The Gators had a great time at the Miami Marlins versus the LA Dodgers baseball on Sunday, July 16th.  We enjoyed traveling by chartered bus to the air conditioned stadium.  Thank you, Debbi Haselmire, for organizing this wonderful event, and thank you, Karl Haselmire, for stepping up to lead it when Debbi was not feeling well.    

         Come to our Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is an great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have included some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you fun parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  With your help we can make your Club even better. 

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


    Sharon Long


  • 01 Jul 2017 11:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello Gators,

         Our Club is off to a great start this summer.  We welcomed a number of new Gator members and guests at our June meeting.   All of our memberships expired at the end of May, so if you have not already done so, now is the time to renew your membership.  Please keep spreading the word about what we have to offer to your friends and co-workers.  We need to encourage more people to join in the fun.    

        The closing of the North Palm Beach Country Club has been postponed until September 30th.  It will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Our final meeting there will be in September.    

        Starting in October we will be moving to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens.  A lot of you may remember that we used to meet there before coming to the Country Club.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed to bring snacks.  They will give us happy hour pricing from 6:30 PM until the end of the meeting.  This will include a $2.50 draft beer, and we will have discounts on other beers, house wines and well drinks. 

         Our 2018 ski trips are selling well.  Sign-ups began in late April for our next ski season.  Destinations available include Winter Park, Colorado, Steamboat, Colorado; Andorra and Barcelona, Spain; Taos, New Mexico; Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Sierra Nevada, Spain.  Two trips, Jackson Hole and Sierra Nevada, have been sold out and expanded.  They are taking wait list applicants.  Please sign up soon to get the trip of your choice.  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and download our newsletter regularly to keep up with our trips. 

        The position of VP / Socials has been filled by Debbi Haselmire, who is also our VP/Special Activities.  The position of Treasurer has been filled by Walter Marussich, who is also our VP/Ski Trips.  Special appreciation goes to these officers who are doing double duty by serving in two difficult positions at once.  Anyone who would like to help them out should contact them.      

         June 13th marked the first of two summer Blue Jean Night Out happy hours at the Snuggery in Palm Beach Gardens.  We had a big crowd who all brought appetizers to share.  Everyone socialized and played games. Thank you, Ben Smith, for organizing this fun event!  Look for the next one on Tuesday, August 15th.

        Betty Williams will host her Fourth of July Party on Saturday, July 1st.  This will be her final party as she will soon be downsizing to a condo, so this event is not to be missed .  Betty has generously opened her home to entertain the Gators over the years, so this is the end of a marvelous era.  Many thanks go to Betty for her generosity.  

         The Gators are looking forward to an exciting event, the Miami Marlins versus the LA Dodgers baseball game in the beautiful, air conditioned Marlins Park stadium on Sunday, July 16th.  We will be having even more fun by traveling round trip in a chartered luxury bus from Palm Beach Gardens to the stadium.  Thank you, Debbi Haselmire, for organizing this wonderful event.    

         Come to our Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is an great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have included some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  We have a special Saturday happy hour at Kirby’s on Sunday, July 19th.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you fun parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  With your help we can make your Club even better. 

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


    Sharon Long


  • 01 Jun 2017 12:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello Gators,

         I am both honored and proud to be serving a second term as your President.  Our new fiscal year has begun and I am excited about everything we have going on.  Our membership picnic was a big success with many members and guests attending.  I would like to thank everyone who helped: Betty Williams, Randy Czapkewicz, Walter Marussich, Rocco Pelligrino, Doug Zeidler, Evie Houston, Damien Bednar, Estela Basso, Tim Dai, Mark Vidas, Ben Smith and others  I would like to welcome our renewing members and those who have newly signed up.  All of our memberships expire at the end of May, so if you have not already done so, now is the time to renew your membership.  Please invite your friends and coworkers to check us out. 

        The North Palm Beach Country Club plans to close on July 5th, and will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Our final meeting there will be in June.  It will also be the first meeting of the new fiscal year. To bid farewell to the meeting place but welcome the new year, this meeting will feature a taco dinner. 

        Starting in July we will be moving to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens.  A lot of you may remember that we used to meet there before coming to the Country Club.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed to bring snacks.  They will give us happy hour pricing from 6:30 PM until the end of the meeting.  This will include a $2.50 draft beer, and we will have discounts on house wines and well drinks

         Our 2018 Ski trips are selling well.  Sign-ups began in late April for our next ski season.  Destinations available include Winter Park, Colorado, Steamboat, Colorado; Andorra and Barcelona, Spain; Taos, New Mexico; Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Sierra Nevada, Spain.  Still in development is a luxury trip to Vail, Colorado.  Please sign up soon to get the trip of your choice.  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and download our newsletter regularly to keep up with our trips. 

        Our bike and barge trip to Southern France has just returned, and it was an incredible experience.  Gators had an amazing time bicycling through the French countryside, stopping at castles, Roman ruins and wineries.  Kudos to trip leader Estela Basso!

        The positions of VP / Socials and Treasurer are not filled.  In addition we are looking to fill the positions of Event Comptroller Director and Communications Director.  I invite any qualified members who are interested in volunteering for these positions to please contact me.    

        Betty Williams hosted her final Memorial Day Party on Saturday, May 27th, since she will soon be downsizing to a condo.  We had a good turnout, and also enjoyed casino night with separate roulette, blackjack and craps tables.  Betty will generously open her home to entertain the Gators for her Fourth of July Party on Saturday, July 1st.  Please do not miss out on Betty’s last party.   

         Come to our Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is an great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have including some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  We will have our first Sunday happy hour on June 18th at Two Drunken Goats – “Sunday Funday for Father’s Day”.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you fun parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  With your help we can make your Club even better. 

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


    Sharon Long


  • 01 May 2017 8:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello Gators,

         The 2018 Ski trips are on sale!  Sign-ups began in late April for our next ski season.  Destinations available include Steamboat, Colorado; Andorra and Barcelona Spain; Taos, New Mexico; Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Sierra Nevada, Spain.  Still in development are Winter Park, Colorado and Vail, Colorado.  Please sign up soon to get the trip of your choice.  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and download our newsletter regularly to keep up with all of our events. 

         Our annual membership picnic will take place on Saturday, May 13th in Carlin Park at the Beach Pavilion.  This free celebration features hotdogs, sides and beverages prepared and served by your Board members.  Please invite your friends and coworkers to come.  Join us there and renew your membership.  Play some fun games, listen to some good dance music and socialize.  

        Our new officers were elected on April 13th.  Thank you to all who voted to give us a quorum.  Congratulations to Sharon Long, President; Patti Bochniak, VP / Ski Trips; Kathy Levas, Secretary and Cheryl Barnes, Member at Large.  The positions of VP / Special Activities, VP / Socials and Treasurer are not filled.  The newly elected Board will appoint officers to fill these spots at the first Board Meeting of the new fiscal year on June 1st.  In addition to the positions just mentioned, we will also be appointing Directors.  We are looking to fill the positions of Event Comptroller Director and Communications Director.  I invite any qualified members who are interested in volunteering for these positions to please contact me.    

        We will be moving our meeting place temporarily, probably in July.  The North Palm Beach Country Club will be closing for reconstruction and renovation for several months. In the interim we will be moving our meeting place to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens.  I will keep you posted as the date gets closer.     

         April 22nd marked the seventh and final Leisure Bike Ride of the season with Ben Smith leading a wonderful ride at Riverbend Park in Jupiter.  Thank you, Ben!  Afterwards, we enjoyed lunch at Too Jay’s.  Stay tuned for the next season of bike rides that will start in the fall of 2018.     

        Betty Williams hosted her final Easter Party on Saturday, April 8th, since she will soon be downsizing to a condo.  Betty generously opened her home again to entertain the Gators, and we all had a marvelous time.  Betty will have two final parties: her Memorial Day Party on Saturday, May 27th and her Fourth of July Party on Saturday, July 1st.  Please do not miss out on your last chances to enjoy these special events.   

        On April 21st a big crowd of Gators visited St. Augustine, where we stayed downtown.  We had a great time congregating at the courtyard.  People visited the historical and entertainment sights, and then tried out the bars with a Saturday afternoon pub crawl.  The ghost tour Saturday night was a lot of fun.  Kudos to trip leaders Debbi Haselmire and Walter Marussich for a job well done!

         Come to our Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is an excellent way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have including some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you fun parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  With your help we can make your Club even better. 

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


    Sharon Long



  • 29 Mar 2017 8:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello Gators,

         Our Club has a wonderful calendar of exciting trips and entertaining events!  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and download our newsletter to find out more.   Please invite your friends and coworkers to try us out so more people can join in the fun. 

        Our elections will take place at the next General Meeting on April 13th.  Although the candidates for office are unopposed we must have a quorum of 20% of the membership to have a valid election.  We need your vote.  Please vote either in person or by absentee ballot. 

        Some of our positions (VP / Special Activities, VP / Socials and Treasurer) do not have candidates.  The newly elected Board will appoint officers to fill these spots at the first Board Meeting of the new fiscal year on June 1st.  Although some members have already put their names forward, I invite any qualified members who are interested in volunteering for these positions to contact me. 

        In addition to the positions just mentioned, we will also be appointing Directors at the June Board Meeting.  We are looking for volunteers for Membership Director, Event Coordinator Director and Communications Director.  If you are interested, please contact me. 

        Our annual membership picnic will take place on Saturday, May 13th in Carlin Park at the Beach Pavilion.  Join your friends and renew your membership at this free celebration featuring hotdogs, sides and beverages prepared and served by your Board members.  Play some fun games, listen to some good dance music and socialize.  

        We will be moving our meeting place temporarily, probably in June.  The North Palm Beach Country Club will be closing for reconstruction and renovation for several months. In the interim we will be moving our meeting place to the Moose Lodge on RCA Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens.  I will keep you posted as the date gets closer.     

        Our fourth trip, the FSC trip to beautiful Lake Louise/Banff, Canada led by Carol Ashley went out on February 25th.  Everyone had a fantastic time skiing with excellent snow conditions and enjoying the gorgeous scenery and the exquisite 5 star hotels.  .  Our fifth trip to the incredible Andalo-Paganella, Italy resort led by Vi Ware departed on March 11th.  It was a marvelous experience.  Our sixth trip during Spring Break to magnificent Big Sky, Montana led by Rich Ruvido left on March 18th.  Everyone had a wonderful time and would like to go back again.  

        A number of intrepid Gators braved the rain for the full moon dinner on the beach on March 12th.  We had fun despite the weather.  Thank you, Kathy Levas, for leading this enjoyable event, and I look forward to doing it again in the future.

        We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in true Irish style dressed in green at Paddy Mac’s.  Some of us stayed in the tent with live music, while others were inside the restaurant listening to the Irish band.  

        Our summer ski trip to Valle Nevado, Chile on August 17-27, 2017 has been expanded to 26 spots.  If you are interested, please contact our trip leader, Lee Chitty.      

         March 11th marked the sixth Leisure Bike Ride of the season with Letti Falko leading a lovely ride at Riverbend Park in Jupiter.  Thank you, Letti!  Afterwards, we enjoyed lunch at Duffy’s at Indiantown Road and I-95.  Our next ride on April 22nd will be at the Lake Trail in Palm Beach with Guest Leader Chris McArdle.  Please join us for a fun ride.    

        Betty Williams will be hosting her Easter Party on Saturday, April 8th.  Betty will once again generously open her home to entertain the Gators.  Since she will soon be downsizing to a condo, this will be her last Easter party.  Please do not miss out on your last chance to enjoy this special treat.   

        On April 21st a big crowd of Gators is headed to St. Augustine, where we will stay downtown in the midst of all of the action.  The highlight of the weekend will be the ghost tour. 

        Our Discover Alaska cruise on Princess Cruise Lines scheduled for August 2017 features a 7 day cruise with a 3 day land package.  We already have a great group of Gators signed up, so please join us!

         Come to our Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is an excellent way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We will be including some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

         The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you fun parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please come to our next meeting at Carmine’s Crab and Seafood Shack on April 25th.  With your help we can make your Club even better. 

         Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.


    Sharon Long


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Gator Snow Ski & Activities Club
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